Friday, December 18, 2009

Baby teeth

Yesterday Franny woke up and was pushing on one of her bottom front teeth. She's been obsessed with loosing teeth lately. Some of her friends at school must be losing teeth already. I checked for her and sure enough it was loose! When I brought her home from school yesterday afternoon, I said, "let's go tell Daddy about your tooth!!"

She ran downstairs to find Daddy and proudly showed him her loose tooth. He said, "Wow! I can't believe you have a loose tooth! You're getting so big!" She giggled and with a sigh said, "Yeah... I'm going to have boobies."


  1. Is there anything better than the things that come out of their mouths? SO funny!

  2. Rae has been obsessed with losing teeth too! Everyday she tells me who in her class has lost a tooth or has a loose tooth! I hope, for her sake, that she gets one soon!

    Hopefully the boobies are a long way off!

  3. LOL! i can't believe she said that -- haha!

    It makes me sad to think of Max losing his first baby tooth. *sniff sniff*

  4. hahaha-! love it- especially because just yesterday as Samantha was getting dressed she said- as she was pointing to her chest "huh...their getting bigger"
    love little girls!

  5. WHAT?!?!? HAHAHAHA! Did Bobby bust a gut? I can't believe it! HAHAHA!
    Sadie told me she learned about the tooth fairy in nursery. I said, YEAH AND YOU GET MONEY! she pulled me a face and said, no. candy. BAHAHA!
    she's also obsessed a little with boobies...sigh..

  6. That little girl is hilarious. Poor Bobby. Lucky thing he has a while yet until he has to worry about that stage.
