Our good friends and former neighbors the Berkbigler's moved away the other day and we went over to say goodbye. Franny saw the catwalk (or ramp leading up to the moving truck- about 4 feet off the ground) and was walking up and down it, so naturally Sophie had to as well. Franny ran off with Maggie and Nora, and Sophie stayed behind on the catwalk. Bobby and I were closeby and talking to our friends, when the look on Melinda's face and the gasp that escaped Jodie's lips told me something bad had happened to my little Sophie. And panic ensued. Actually not really. I'm just being dramatic.
There was quite a bit of blood. It scared me and of course I felt horrible. And not just because I didn't get to make my "I'm too sexy" joke: "On the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah, I do my little turn on the catwalk."
We took her home, gave her a bath and Bobby gave her a blessing. Within about a half an hour, she was back to her old self and dancing around the living room. We watched her closely for a while, just to make sure her behavior was normal.
But I have been watching her since then and I have to admit that her behavior has changed a bit. She's nicer. What you don't know is, recently my sweet little Sophie has turned into quite the hooligan! The day before the catwalk incident, I wouldn't let her chew on a pound of raw ground beef while we were shopping at Walmart. (I know, right? such a mean mother.) Her response? She grabbed a package of fresh strawberries, chucked them on the ground and they scattered all over the floor in the meat section. The reason I posed the question about a mother's guilt is that I am wondering if Sophie nearly getting concussed knocked a couple crazy screws loose from her head. It's been kind of nice. Hence, the guilt.
Those experiences do make a mommy think. She is so dang cute, even with that lovely ouchie on her forehead. Enjoy the passivity while you can, I am sure she will give you a few more energy filled experiences again soon.
I saw that today and wondered what had happened. Crazy kids. I'm glad she's okay.
I am glad that you posted this- I have been worried about how she was doing! It was so scary- she is tough and such a little doll. I really can't imagine her throwing the strawberries on the ground- too funny!
haha- that picture is way too cute. Poor thing. That is so funny about the strawberries...she has the funnest personality. She is such a crack up. I am glad she is giving you a break though from that crazy personality. Miss you guys!
no guilt. things happen so fast! didn't julia used to fling herself off the couch when she was little? :)
I don't know if you remember me or not, but this is Shana (from 105th ward in Provo). You actually came to my baby shower 5 years ago. We ran into each other about 3 years ago at This is The Place Heritage Park. I remember because I was 8 months pregnant and was enormously rocking some maternity overalls and was embarrassed that I saw somebody I knew. Anyway, I found your blog through Ryan and Martha's. I love your blog and have made many of your recipes. I also love your craft blog and that's why I'm writing you. I too recently took up sewing and love it and can't seem to stop sewing. I was wondering if you were interested in having someone else contribute to your craft blog. I have a few items that I make that are pretty cute. If you're not interested, that's cool. Otherwise, Email me and I can send you some pictures of what I make. So, take care and I hope to hear from you.
I don't know if you remember me or not, but this is Shana (from 105th ward in Provo). You actually came to my baby shower 5 years ago. We ran into each other about 3 years ago at This is The Place Heritage Park. I remember because I was 8 months pregnant and was enormously rocking some maternity overalls and was embarrassed that I saw somebody I knew. Anyway, I found your blog through Ryan and Martha's. I love your blog and have made many of your recipes. I also love your craft blog and that's why I'm writing you. I too recently took up sewing and love it and can't seem to stop sewing. I was wondering if you were interested in having someone else contribute to your craft blog. I have a few items that I make that are pretty cute. If you're not interested, that's cool. Otherwise, Email me and I can send you some pictures of what I make. So, take care and I hope to hear from you.
Sorry about the double comment. I am a total blog-virgin. And yes, I realize this now makes three comments.
Oh, seeing your child all scratched up probably does make you feel bad - and of course feeling like "hm, she's nicer. maybe it was worth it" is also another cause for guilt. :) haha! I love the picture of her. She's saying, "And then, you won't believe this, but my mom actually left me there and I FELL OFF!!"
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