He had some suggestions for me. He wanted me to incorporate some other fabrics besides cotton, namely corduroy and felt. (Don't worry, I let him know that felt for a quilt would be a bad idea.) He wanted it to look kind of pieced from my fabric stash, but still look cohesive. (These are not his words. Keep in mind this conversation happened about three months ago.) So I started searching craft blogs and flickr pages looking for inspiration and I ran into this lady. (Hello lady!) I love her quilts. Some of hers look really advanced, but a lot are really fresh and simple. I actually borrowed an idea from her for Franny's birthday quilt, which I'll blog about soon.
The quilt measures 84 x 68 inches. He wanted it to be nice and big enough to cover his whole body. I used a chocolate brown corduroy on the front and I'm happy with the added weight it gives the quilt. I also loved the puckery look on the corduroy after it was washed a couple of times. My only complaint about the corduroy is it stinks. It smells awful, but it's getting better with every wash. After the first wash I was laying around with it watching TV and I could barely breathe because its smell was so strong. Anyone know what that is?
I didn't actually get the quilt finished in time for Christmas. (I was up until 1 AM quilting it on Christmas Eve.) But it was done by December 28th which is a lot better than that time it took me three years to get my friend Betsy's daughter her "baby" quilt. So maybe I'm getting better at judging how much time I need for a quilt. He uses it all the time and has told me repeatedly how much he loves it. Bobby, you're the best!
It is absolutely beautiful Katherine.
Wow, I am super impressed! That was A LOT of work, I can tell. And I can't believe how big it is and that you were able to quilt it on your machine. Whew! It turned out great :)
Holy cow! It looks awesome- talk about time consuming! Really impressed!
love it! Bobby is a great supporter.
Is there anything you can't do? That quilt is awesome! I would also like to see the gun cleaning kit :) What a well rounded man!
Wow, I love it!
It's stunning!!! You are Super Woman! =)
oh my gosh, I love it! I love those colors together, it looks awesome! I can't believe you just have all that yummy fabric laying around, I'm so jealous.
That's amazing! I love it. I'm no good at quilting. I just like to look at the other talented people quilting!
Brian got a gun cleaning kit for his birthday. Too bad those two can't sit on the porch in a rocking chair and clean their guns together. That is totally an MO thing to do.
You need to teach me how to quilt, so if your ever in need of a trip to KC... just know there is a dinner and some cheesecake from the cheesecake factory on me! That is the cutest, eh most handsome quilt, I seriously love it!
Great job! I love the binding!
You're amazing. That quilt will be such a treasure forever! :) HOpe you're doing/feeling well.
Jen Paris
Well "Hello Lady" to you too :) Love love love the quilt you have made and impressed with your choice of corduroy fabric!
The quilt reminds me a lot of this quilt that I made for my daughter:
I think you have done a wonderful job, and am so very happy to have inspired you.
Cool! Thanks Rita!
I am so proud of you. I know how hard it is to make a quilt and how much time it takes. And, you didn't even have a class. You are such a great little homemaker, and I love you. I loved all the pictures and the nice things you said about our visit in CA. What a lovely time it was, and how wonderful it was to get aquainted with those little darlings again. We live too far away!!! I can't wait to see little Claire. Take good care of yourself and hug the girls for me.
Keep the Both Thumbs Up!
Body Sponge
Oh I love this quilt. I came back to it today, because I'm making, really planning a quilt for RJ with chocholate corduroy and wanted another peak...don't be surprised if RJ's quilt mimics Bobby's. :) love ya and hope your fam is having a great summer.
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