Friday, August 1, 2008

Sleeping Hide and Go Seek

This is an addendum to my last post- here's where I found her today. I'd love to know, what's wrong with her bed?


Alissa said...

never fear... all children do it. last week, i walked in at midnight to find my 6 year old sleeping on TOP of her desk, my 4 year old asleep in the chair AT the desk and my 2 year old asleep at the foot of the chair... they don't even all share a room.

Johanna said...

That is so cute! She is growing up so quickly. I am glad to hear that other 4 year olds are sassy too. Abby is becoming so independent, or wishing that she was.

Sara said...

haha! silly sophie!
we always get a kick out of checking on our kids at night, too, and seeing where they land. well, ruby is still in her crib and is a light sleeper, so we don't dare look in on her very often, but max ends up in weird places. so funny!

Ashley said...

Unrelated subject--those walls SO don't look like highlighter yellow!

Rebecca S said...

I love that Sophie is involing Franny in mischief. It's a good think I could click on that picturea and see that it was curlers that she was into, at first I thought they were tampons!

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