This is a picture of Franny with Dr. Davis' daughter. Thank goodness she was there because she kept Franny entertained while Dr. Davis rocked my gluten-free world. This totally made my day: Franny can have whole wheat now! She can't have processed wheat, so that still means that this diet is totally inconvenient and expensive, but it will allow for a lot better quality and more creativity and of course more variety when I'm preparing her food. The sad news is, no more bacon, hot dogs, or pepperoni (sodium nitrites). And still no dairy, but we are so happy about the whole wheat and oats and barley! YES! After I picked Sophie up at Justin's house, we headed a little deeper into the city to make a stop at Whole Foods for some gluten-free goods we can't get here where we live. I love that store SO MUCH. I could feel my children growing more and more agitated and as I let my eyes linger over all the tempting cheeses in the display case. There were so many that I haven't ever even heard of! I decided that each time I go, I'm going to try a new cheese. This time I was safe and picked up some gouda. (That is what inspired my latest poll. I'm curious how this concoction sounds to other people.) I also picked up some delicious French Vanilla almond granola which Sophie and I enjoyed this morning mixed into some raspberry yogurt. That is a great grocery store. I am very excited to have access to it when we move to St. Louis. The best grocery store I've ever seen is Central Market in Austin, TX. This is a Texas chain, and there are only a handful of stores. I wish desperately that it was a national chain. They shouldn't call it a grocery store. It's more like a grocery museum. It is FABULOUS. My dear friend Annie took me there when I visited her a couple of years ago. She knew I would love it.
I didn't get on the road until about 8:30 pm, which is dangerously close to 9 pm and when I become narcoleptic. So I stopped at a gas station and picked up one of those energy drinks that are loaded with caffeine. I couldn't trust diet coke because I have one of those every day and I'm still narcoleptic by 9:00. They work. I was up until 2 in the morning and I am finally caught up on sleep now.
You are a rock star mom I am impressed! I loved your embarrassing stories too. When I was picturing you dancing I imagined you dancing like Elaine :)
Rock star Mom, definitely.
You are brave to make that trip and glad Franny can have some whole grains now. I like Whole Foods too, did you know it started in Austin too? Miss you!
Have you tried fontina cheese? I use it all the time!
Oh yes. I love fontina!
My sister lives in LA and LOVE LOVE LOVES Whole Foods. She is pregnant with her first right now and will have such incredibly healthy kids cause she is so thoughtful about what she eats!
Not me. I would be in trouble if my kids couldn't eat hot dogs. Yikes!
You truly are rockstar mom!
It's already been are a rockstar!!
Eirik and Paul have this running joke about hot dogs. It goes something like this... "Hot Dog Eirik." "Hot Dog Daddy." "Hot Dog Eirik." "Hot Dog Daddy." "Hot Dog Eirik." "Hot Dog Daddy." "Hot Dog Eirik." "Hot Dog Daddy."
and keeps on going. I don't know.. but they just keep on laughing about it. Hot dogs are sort of a gross, embarrassing staple around here.
So glad Frannie's food repertoire has increased. You're on par with Madonna or Bono (assuming you like them.) Miss you!
I fell in love with Cenral Market at first visit!! What a great store. I loved their "made--in-front-of-you flour tortillas, I could eat a dozen in one sitting, hot and buttery. Don't get me started on their produce sections. Is is weird that I could spend hours perusing fruits and veggies at that place. I stop there.
Bravo on the trip, I also do not trust my driving abilities.
Yes you are a rock star mom, but please tell me that there aren't actual almonds in the granola that sophie ate. Must I remind you of a $40,000 bill we paid over a nut?!
You have such a great attitude about Franny's diet! It's awesome that she can add some new foods in. Each step is so huge!! I'm going to have to check out whole foods, it sounds great.
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