Bobby and I met in May 1997 and our apartments did everything together that summer. We had so much fun! I think I only had one Humanities class and a job in the afternoon for a few hours and then we could all just play. One day we all decided to go to Packsaddle Lake- it takes about an hour to get there and you can only access it on horseback, by hiking, or with 4-wheel drive. It's up in the mountains and the water is largely from snow run-off. It was late May and the weather was nice but the water was very cold. None of us had any intention of going swimming, but there was a rope swing. The guys each took a few turns swinging out over the lake as you see Bobby doing here holding onto this very long rope. After we watched them swing out, Bobby said, "I want to see one of the girls do it." Now, I have always been sort of a daredevil when it comes to bridge-jumping, cliff-jumping, etc.- I'm usually not afraid to try things like this, so of course I spoke out and said, "I'll do it." (Also, there might be a slight chance I was trying to impress Bobby.) While it may be true that I have guts, what I don't have is upper arm strength. I grabbed onto the wooden stick attached to the end of the rope, jumped off the rock on the bank of the lake, and swung out over the water. As I swung out, I realized that I didn't have the strength to hold on and I lost my grip and fell right into the water! Even in that ice-cold water, I did not want to re-surface and face my friends and future husband! When I did finally come up for air, my good friend was there to capture this humiliating moment on film for all all of you. Thanks Janelle.
*Bobby wants me to include another humiliating part of the story that I had every intention of withholding. After I got out of the water, in my soaking wet white T-shirt and jeans, somebody pointed out to all of us an unsightly film of grease on the surface of the water undoubtedly left by yours truly. A proud moment.
You got me laughing! That is pretty funny!
Katherine: love the embarassing moments. Keep them coming! They are hilarious.
These are great! Thanks for sharing! Having them recorded is priceless.
I have MANY embarrassing moments, but not real classic ones. I know I embarrass myself often, but never remember... Usually just a foot in the mouth thing. I do have one....watch my blog, maybe I will share. =}
That is hilarious, and I LOVE your scrap booking page.
You are brave to share your embarrasing moments..it looks like you had alot of fun times. how cool is that
Oh my gosh I would have died. Were you so cold? I mean, that was probably the last of your worries but I bet you were freezing. And were you mad at Bobby for daring you to do it?
So funny.
No, I knew I had no right to be mad at Bobby. It was my own pride that caused my downfall. :)
I would have done the same thing. Although, now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't have been as gutsy, but if I had, i would for sure have fallen. You're awesome for being up for dares. No one can ever say you were a chicken... maybe limp grip, but not chicken. :)
ROFL... beautiful. I love the Embarrassing Moment installments. I'm eagerly awaiting the next one...
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