Monday, May 4, 2009




Our bus ride- I don't know why I'm making such a weird face. Everyone else looks really cute in this pic. I wish I wasn't the only one to have this picture taken of the three girls. It turned out so grainy. Bobby picked some shells for the girls on the way out to our snorkeling spot. Ashley Pace, looking good, like I knew you would.

As soon as we got to Aruba, we found a little shop where we could rent some snorkeling gear, hopped on a bus, and headed out to some gorgeous beach. (I can't remember the name.) We were proud of ourselves for planning this whole excursion ourselves and figured we probably saved a bunch of money. I have to send a lot of credit over towards the direction of the Aanderud's and Pace's. They helped organized the bus ride, the snorkel gear rental, and having Paul around was extremely helpful. He's become quite the aquarium buff recently and helped us identify most of what we were looking at.
This was the first time both Bobby and I had ever snorkeled. We loved it.

Getting ready to snorkel for the first time.

Look what I found while we were snorkeling! An anchor! It was covered with beautiful coral and gorgeous fish swarmed all around it. Bobby took a group picture of us below. So look really close and you can see a very light outline of our bodies behind the anchor. A word of advice: never spend less than $10 dollars on a disposable underwater camera. The water was 10 times clearer than this. Still I'm glad to have pictures documenting our first underwater excursion at all.

Also for your viewing pleasure, a picture of me doing the robot under water.

Getting back on the boat- reluctant to leave Aruba.

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